2020 Nova.rs
Naša priznata kostimografkinja Bojana Nikitovic, koja se proslavila u svetu nakon sto je radila u timu oskarovke Milene Kanonero na filmu "Marija Antoaneta", prica za Nova.rs o ovoj pomalo potcenjenoj profesiji, slicnostima i razlikama izmedju Holivuda i Srbije, nasim glumcima podjednako velikim kao i svetske zvezde, svom Beogradu i sebi i tome zasto treba vise da bude "Nikitina cerka".
Umesto jos jedne saradnje na filmu sa svojom „srecnom zvezdom“ Milenom Kanonero, Bojana Nikitovic je, zbog epidemije, morala da se vrati u rodni Beograd. Da nije bilo Italijanke Milene, ko zna kako bi danas izgledala Bojanina karijera.
2019 Film Review “The Aftermath”: Variety
Less widely seen (and acclaimed) than it deserved to be, James Kent‘s debut feature “Testament of Youth” was one of the great recent love-in-wartime dramas, translating the intimate romance and sprawling human tragedy of Vera Brittain’s WWI memoir with a grace and heft worthy of its David Lean allusions. Four years on, it’s not hard to see why Kent was enlisted for “The Aftermath,” which aims for a similar old-school blend of stiff-upper-lipped heartbreak and grand classical sweep amid the ruins of another world war — albeit from material a bit thinner than Brittain’s.
2019 Cordon Magazine
She’s the most successful woman from this region in the film world. She was the first associate to costume designer Milena Canonero when she won the 2007 Oscar for Best Costume Design for the Sofia Copolla’s film Marie Antoinette. She has long since operated as an independent costume designer for numerous top-class film productions. Apart from all of that, she also works in the theatre, which is her first and greatest love, and four Sterija Prizes merely serve to prove that she also does so very successfully. She grew up in a house where her father, Dragan Nikitović (1930-1997), was a genuine sporting and television star and legend of journalism. And it was perhaps because of that that she never idolised famous people. Her mother Vojislava, aka Vojka, was a specialist doctor and the real pillar of the home, supporting at all times her daughters Aleksandra and Bojana.
2017 Elle Serbia
Valentin vikend provela sam sa Bojanom Nikitović, jednom od svojih omiljenih kostimografkinja. Kada je zazvonio telefon i kada sam dobila ovaj zadatak, mojoj sreći nije bilo kraja. Obožavam način na koji ona pristupa kostimu i poslu ‒ tu posvećenost u istraživanju i tu tačnost, minucioznost u svakom detalju… Na Sv. Trifuna, dan Bojanine slave, bilo je 20 stepeni. Pijace su preplavili narcisi ‒ iluzija da je stiglo proleće bila je potpuna. Preselila sam se blizu Palilulske pijace i glasno očajavala za Bajlonijem.